The global assembly cache (GAC) provides a centralised, machine-wide storage location for .NET assemblies. When you add an assembly to the GAC, you allow it to be shared by many programs, rather than requiring a copy to be installed for each application. It’s also the place you need to register your WebPart library when develop SharePoint WebPart solution.

To reduce the time for debugging, it’s mean without having to deploy my SharePoint solutions, fire up IIS, etc. etc. You can register output library to GAC directly with External Tools extension in Visual Studio.

By this way, you just build and deploy sourcode project only 1 time. After that, any changes from code behind, you can run this tool for your features update.

1. Download and extract bat file at here

2. Open Visual Studio, in this post, I would like show on Visual Studio 2008.
– Browse to Tools/External Tools
– Click Add button
– Fill some information as below. At Command textbox, browse and select bat file above

– Check on Use Output Window and Click OK to finish

3. Make sure it work correctly
– Rebuild project
– Select Tools/copyToGac from Visual Studio top menu
– Open Output window, the output result should be like this.

Hoang Nhut Nguyen
Skype: hoangnhut.nguyen