Tag Archive: SharePoint authentication

In previous post, I have a post to tell how Configure Forefront Unified Access Gateway for Office Mobile

Last week, I need to find a easier way to allow Iphone Application access SharePoint web service and get the data via http://hostname/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx web service.

As you know, SharePoint isn’t allowing access to their web services without authentication event if it’s configured allow anonymously access. So that, what Iphone/WindowsPhone need to implement sent username and password to SharePoint server for authenticatio in order connect to the web services.

Splendid,  a very simple way allow us to do that, all one needs to do is format the URL properly. The URL should be follow below format


For example, if you have an user “administrator” and the password is “123456” and access Lists.asmx as above request  and SharePoint site is running on host sptest.com via port 123. All that we need to logging this webservice via URL and it would be:


I’ve managed to set up external access to Sharepoint from WP7 office hub. I’ve set up separate IIS sites for windows authentication and FBA authentication by extending my web application. The post that helped me enormously to correctly set up FBA is this one:


If you’re using SharePoint 2010, for Windows Phone, you can try to use Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Mobile to access SharePoint Server 2010 very easy and simple http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/en-us/howto/wp7/office/use-office-sharepoint-workspace-mobile.aspx

Hoang Nhut Nguyen
Email: nhutcmos@gmail.com
Skype: hoangnhut.nguyen

The purpose of this article is to provide the step by step information about enabling the Form Based Authentication (FBA) for MOSS 2007 site. MOSS 2007 sites uses windows authentication by default. But some business needs form based authentication to fulfill the requirements.

To enable forms-based authentication for a Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web site and add users to the user account database. Below article explains to enable Form Authentication for MOSS 2007 site.

From codeproject  http://www.codeproject.com/KB/sharepoint/FBA.aspx

Hoang Nhut Nguyen
Email: nhutcmos@gmail.com
Skype: hoangnhut.nguyen